Monday, April 29, 2019

The biggest problem with beard oil

The first time I used Beard oil, I managed to give a big reaction to myself. If the following story sounds like something you are doing now, you can't use beard oil anymore! The following lesson is very important for the health of your beard so that it remains held.

This is the story when I first started using products in my facial hair. I will pour a lot of oil into my palm and gently rub it through my beard. That is not a problem. I think the more I use it, the healthier my beard will be. So I will take a little more before I leave home and do it again through my beard.

Over time, I began to get a really itchy beard and my initial thought was that my facial hair was dry.

So what do i do? I work more beard oil through my hair. That creates a big problem! This can be the quality of beard oil (you must be very careful when producing mixtures because essential oils can be very reactive to the skin. 96 - 99% of the mixture must be carrier oil), or the amount I need. is using.

Both consequences can cause a big reaction. My skin is burning and I have a big rash where I use the product (rest assured, it is not our product, it is another company.) I stopped using that particular ingredient and found that using too much beard oil could make oil very large. problem. There are a number of steps you need to take to avoid the stress that I experience:

1) Choose a good product

Track how much you use. Just aim for 1
00% organic, cold-pressed oil and you should be fine

2) Follow the guidelines

This is our guide to the beard oil we produce with the amount you have to use every day.

- Dosage is less than 5 pence for anyone starting from 0-3 months of growth

- Dosage of 5 pence for growth of 3-6 months

- Pieces of 5 pence ++ for growth of 6-12 months

That's all relative to the size and age of your beard. The more hair, the more oil you need. Just follow what works for you and make sure to be careful about the amount you use.

Test the results. Everyone's skin and hair are different. You may need more or maybe less than the dose that we are guided. I'm afraid, there is no improvement, just look at what suits you. I hope you find this article useful and good luck with the growth of your beard.

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